Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's that time...

 It's that time of year again!  The tides are right, the breeze is salty, and life is simple .  Yes, it's Pine Island Time.  I LOVE being on the boat with my hub enjoying God's beauty all around.  There is something about feeling His peace in the middle of the ocean.  (Well, not actually "the middle", and actually not even too far out, but you get the point).   I love fishing.  I've been fishing since I was a little girl and grown up with an father and brother who fished every moment they could (and still do).  Then I married a man who now shares the same love :)  It works out well when you and your spouse have a hobby that you enjoy together.  Not the best picture below, but what do you expect when you wake a girl up at 5ish to get on the water.  

Me and my dad!

Did I mention that we always bring Kenny with us?  (Chesney, that is ).

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sisters and cousins

My sister and her family have spent the last week with us and the time went by way to fast.  We laughed until we cried, we ate way too much, we stayed up late critiquing watching Dancing with the Stars, we shared our heart with each other, we watched cousins being best friends, we ordered cheese fries at Outback, shared makeup, talked about style (or in my case, lack of), hair coloring, and decorating.  We compared everything from gray hair to cell phones.   We talked about Jesus and heaven, and sinners and saints.  We dreamed about living in the same town and the fun that we would have.  As I grow older, I appreciate my "peanut-butter-sister-time" more with each visit.  I enjoy watching my 4 lovely's playing with their cousins and seeing their friendships grow, too.   Thank you, Jesus, for sisters...and for cousins.   I am blessed- 

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dirty, little hands!

Are these seriously my baby G's fingernails?  I mean, gross!  I definitely do not let my kids dig in the gross dirt in our back woods...well, maybe every now and then  single day I do let them lose in the back woods to explore :)  They're kids, right!?

And just in case you couldn't get the full affect from the first pic, here's a closer look for your viewing pleasure.  But just to ease your mind, I did clean them soak, scrub, cut, and scrub them some more before Easter Sunday.  

Dirt or no dirt, I just love my kids hands.  I pray that these little hands will stay pure and holy .  I pray that these little hands would be used to serve others.  I pray that these little hands will grow to be bigger hands that are not lazy, but hard-working, bringing forth fruit through their labor.  And I pray that these little hands would be held up high in worship praising their Lord!    Thank you, Jesus, for these little hands!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Still Counting...

1 Chronicles 16:8-9  "Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.  Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of ALL his WONDERFUL acts."

56.  The empty tomb!
57.  Holding hands and hearts!

58.  Easter egg hunts in Florida weather :)

59.  #2 and #4

60.  New life, new growth. 

61.  My sister's coming to visit for a week!  :)
62.  God's financial provisions.
63.  Time with Jesus in the early morning hour!
64.  Coffee pot brewing at 5:45 a.m.  (music to my ears)!
65.  SPRING BREAK finally!
66.  Leftover Easter ham sandwiches on parkerhouse rolls. 
67.  My mom is coming to visit!
68.  The first soccer game of the season for a 3 and 4 year old. 

69.  A competitive by nature little girl and a not-so-competive  laid back little boy!  (I love #2 on her knee and "getting her game on").

70.  God's peace that overcomes fear.
71.  A fishing trip on the books!
72.  Disney annual passes.
73.  God taking me out of my comfort zone and stretching me.
74.  Innocent and tender hearts living for Jesus!
75.  The promise of eternal life for those who believe.
76.  The anticipation of what's to come...
77.  6 year old blondie on the porch reading her Bible and and underlining her "key" words in Scripture.
78.  Sisters planning club meetings and agendas for their "Precious Girls Club".
79.  Waking up in the night to find little "baby G" sound asleep in the middle of hub and I.
80.  The sound of the pond fountain in the background as I type this list.
81.  Pink shoelaces.

Counting to One Thousand....

holy experience