Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Multitude Monday (on Tuesday)

holy experience

"I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders.  I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High."  Psalm 9:1-2

26. Laughing until you cry!
27. Sweet-potato pancakes.
28. Safe travels.
29. Antique shopping in a new city.
30. Rolling hills in the country.
31. Playing "make-up" with my sisters :)
32. Mints on my nightstand before bed. (Thank you, Jenna).
33. Hearing God's truth and obeying His Word.
34. Healing.
35. Times of waiting.
36. Starbucks white chocolate mochas.
37. Brokenness.
38. Joy in the morning.
39. Homeschooling in our jammies.
40. The extra long hug from my husband before he leaves for work.
41. Piano music.
42. The sound of giggling coming from upstairs.
43. Reuniting with my kids after being gone for 4 days.
44. Extra coupons in the Sunday paper.
45. Sisters-in-Christ.
46. A generous heart.
47. Childlike faith.
48. Hearing my 3 year old say, "Mommy, let's pray!"
49. Laying my burdens down on the alter.
50. A toothless blondie!

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